Holiday Hangovers are a Real Struggle, Study Finds

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The average American consumes double the amount of alcoholic drinks over the holidays than any other time of year, according to new research. The average American consumes double the amount of alcoholic drinks over the holidays than any other time of year, according to new research.

This fascinating statistic emerged in a new study of 2,000 Americans exploring how much more social we are over the time between Thanksgiving and New Years than normal and found that the average American will drink 100 percent more when holiday season sets in.

The survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of the smart supplement company Morning Recovery, also revealed that that consumption also correlates with how often we’re going out, as the average American polled will attend a lot more social functions and parties, too.

The holiday season brings out our most social selves, it appears, as 69 percent of those surveyed agreed they’re more likely to be socializing during this time of year.

According to the results, in a normal, non-holiday week, the average American surveyed will attend just one social event, but when the holidays come around that number jumps to three.

The social increase that comes with the festive seasons also has an impact on our bank account -- quite a significant one at that.

The average American spends $241 every month on social events such as drinks, dinners out, and parties, and other things of that nature.

But during the holiday season, that figure skyrockets to $537 -- over half a grand.

And it doesn’t go unpunished either, as that uptick in socializing leads to three alcohol-induced rough mornings per week during the height of the holiday social season.

Those rough mornings cause the average American to be late to work three times over the course of the holidays, with seven in ten Americans saying it actually makes them less productive at work.

But sometimes they don’t even make it into work, as the average American polled admits to calling in sick twice over the holidays as a result of partying too hard the night before.

And interestingly, one in three Americans (36 percent) say that the rough mornings actually dampen their holiday spirit.

“We weren't surprised to find that Americans socialize more, drink more, and as a result, suffer from more rough mornings and lost productivity throughout the holiday season,” said co-founder and CEO Sisun Lee of Morning

Recovery. “That doesn’t have to be the case. It’s important to spend time with loved ones and celebrate traditions, but also important to take care of ourselves. We make it so that you never have to choose between missing work or missing out on the fun.”

The survey also went on to ask respondents about their favorite holiday drinks and found eggnog, perhaps unsurprisingly, reign supreme (40 percent.)

Coffee with Baileys also had a strong showing (34 percent), with Christmas beer rounding out the top three (28 percent).

“The holidays are a busy time of year and we were interested in pinpointing exactly how they affect our social life, work ethic, habits, and more,” continued Lee. “Our assumptions were correct and we know Morning
Recovery is the perfect tool for balancing that work hard, play hard lifestyle and making the most of your holidays. Eggnog, coffee with Baileys, Christmas beer, and spiked cider are all part of the holiday equation. We just happen to believe that bouncing right back and feeling great the next day should be too.”

Eggnog 40%
Coffee with Baileys 34%
Christmas beer 28%
Cider 27%
Hot buttered rum 21%
Hot toddy 20%
Mulled wine 19%
Tom and Jerry 9%
Wassail 8%
Glogg 8%