Turns out we trust our pets to assess new partners, study finds


By Zoya Gervis

It’s a dog-eat-dog dating world out there according to new research that revealed 86 percent of dog owners would break up with their significant other if they weren’t into their pup.

Got a first date coming up? You may have to impress the person’s dog if things are going to work out. Dogs have a big influence in the lives of their pet parents, according to a new poll of 3,500 dog owners.

The study found that 4 of 5 dog owners say their dog’s reaction to a new suitor is an important factor in determining whether or not they’re a match.

The research, which was commissioned by the on-demand dog walking service, Wag!, and conducted by OnePoll, found that disliking dogs can be a major turn off. More so than not wanting kids, being a bad tipper, and having terrible fashion sense, according to the results.

"It comes as no surprise to us at Wag! that dog parents place a premium on their dogs' opinions of other humans and that this plays a deciding factor in their love lives," said Hilary Schneider, CEO of Wag!. “We make it our mission to keep pet families happy and healthy and love hearing stories about the important roles our dogs play in the romantic lives of their owners.”

Three out of 10 dog parents have used their dog to attract a potential partner and more than 60 percent said they’ve been flirted with when walking their pooch.

Turns out the pup-magnet is strong – when people use their pooch to attract a potential love interest they were successful 84 percent of the time.

Dogs can even help attract a potential mate without even meeting. As dating apps have become increasingly common, 73 percent of dog parents are more likely to ‘swipe right’ on a person’s profile pic that includes their pup.

Our four-legged companions help us seal the deal in more ways than one; 78 percent of dog parents are more likely to go home with someone if they say they have a dog versus someone who doesn’t have a pooch at home.

Dogs really are their owners’ most significant other, regardless of marital status! More than 16 percent of married dog owners said they would choose to celebrate their pup’s birthday over their spouse’s!

While dog lovers live all across the country, those in the Northeast use their pooches as match-makers the most. More than 25 percent of dog parents in these states found love at a party for a dog!

Dogs play a crucial role in romantic relationships. One in five dog owners have even gone so far as to stay in a relationship simply because of their partner’s dog.

If you happen to meet the Lady to your Tramp, “we want you to be able to stay out on the town while one of our trusted Wag! walkers takes care of your beloved dog for you, added Schneider.