Study Examines the Key Differences Between Introverts and Extroverts


By Zoya Gervis

If you like sci-fi movies, hate pool parties and watch The Walking Dead then chances are you’re an introvert, according to new research.

A new study into the socializing behaviors of 2,000 Americans examined whether people who identify as an extrovert really do act differently than those who consider themselves introverts.

The study, conducted by Evite, found the prospect of socializing draws contrasting reactions between the two groups; upon receiving an invitation, 55 percent of introverts feel pangs of anxiety versus just 18 percent of extroverts.

On the other hand, extroverts identified excitement as their driving emotion, with 74 percent getting excited at the prospect of a new social event versus less than half (44 percent) of introverts.

Whether you lean more to the introvert or extrovert personality, the study reveals most people like to have an exit plan for events that might not be a hit. A full two-thirds of the 2,000 respondents said they will turn up to a party or social event with their excuse to leave early already planned out.

The research shows 64 percent of respondents confess to doing this, with one in six doing this for almost EVERY social event they attend.

In fact, the average American said they think of their excuse or get-out strategy four whole days before a big event.

Introverts were still more than twice as likely to say they frequently decline social invites (27 percent vs. 13 percent).

Piera Pizzo, an Evite in-house Party Specialist, said: “Parties bring together guests with a range of personalities and comfort levels. As the host of a party, you can help those who may see social gatherings as a source of anxiety feel more at ease. Sharing event details with guests early on, such as what activities will take place, helps them know what to expect and prepare accordingly. Although Evite invitations are sent individually via text or email, you can utilize the invitation feed to make early connections between shyer guests and more outgoing ones before the event occurs.

“Maybe your introverted friend is a foodie who has never met your extroverted friend who is a food blogger. Tag them both in a comment and introduce them, so there is already a conversation starter in place when they meet in-person at your event.”

When it comes to the types of parties introverts are most likely to skip out on, 37 percent of introverts don’t plan on attending a pool party with friends, followed closely by a co-workers birthday party (35 percent), and a friend’s child’s birthday party (35 percent).

Even though extroverts do enjoy going to a party, they also admitted to staying away from anything having to do with a baby shower (53 percent) or bridal shower (47 percent).

In fact, 27 percent of extroverts wouldn’t want to attend a friend’s baby shower, 26 percent would stay away from a relative’s baby shower, and 24 percent would avoid a friend’s bridal shower if they could.

Pizzo added: “Events like baby showers and bridal showers are more formal and can intimidate guests who don’t know what to expect. What do they wear? What do they bring? Here, again, it’s key for hosts to share details early to alleviate any stress. As a guest, consider some conversation starters, such as: how do you know the guest of honor?”

“Remember, these events can appear awkward at first, but it’s one of the most special days for the guest of honor and family. They want you to be part of this milestone and share this day’s memories!”

How the two groups behave at a party is even more strikingly obvious; introverts are twice as likely as extroverts to cling to people they know while the majority of extroverts (69 percent) can be found making small talk with ease.

Most extroverts (67 percent) can also be found meeting new people, something introverts avoid since less than a quarter (24 percent) are likely to be found engaging with complete strangers at a party.

Clinging to their phones is something that 26 percent of introverts are guilty of doing when out at a party.

Results also showed that the differences between extroverts and introverts are not solely relegated to the party scene.

Introverts prefer to listen to pop, rap, and country music, while extroverts get their groove on to R&B and Rock & Roll.

In fact, their entertainment tastes vary drastically across all mediums. Introverts can be found watching a thriller like The Walking Dead or a crime drama like NCIS, Criminal Minds, and Law & Order: SVU.

In contrast, extroverts prefer reality-based entertainment. They can be found watching the latest episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, The Voice, and America’s Got Talent.

Pizzo continued: “Introverts and extroverts are wildly different, but the secret to being a great party host is to understand and accommodate both. When introverts arrive, make introductions or give them a task to help with – trust me, they’ll appreciate it. When extroverts arrive, lean on them to help carry some of the social load.

“Bringing people together to make new, or strengthened connections is what parties are all about, and you want to make that experience memorable for introverts and extroverts alike.”





Frequently declines invites



Feel anxious at an invite



Feel excitement at an invite




At a party…


Only talk to people they know



Meet new people






Look for the exit



Constantly looking at their phone



Hiding in the bathroom

