The Biggest 'lifesavers' For American Moms



Wet wipes, yoga pants and a babysitter you can really trust – these are some of the biggest ‘lifesavers’ for America’s moms, according to new research.


A survey of 2,000 moms of school-aged (5-12 years old) children profiled their exhausting weekly schedules and revealed the array of toys, snacks and techniques they turn to in order to keep life running smoothly.


The ability to hand over an iPad, take advantage of drive thru meals or turn to Netflix at any hour of the day or night are also featured on the list of top lifesavers a mom can’t do without.


A constant supply of coffee, mastering the fine art of napping whenever possible and whipping out an effective angry voice when needed also made the top 20 list voted on by moms.


The research into the real experiences and pressures facing the country’s moms was commissioned by Welch’s as part of their drive to provide easy nutrition solutions for the entire family.


Results showed moms face a constant uphill battle in ensuring the course of family life runs smoothly, with four in 10 feeling their life is a never-ending series of tasks seven days a week.


On top of a non-stop routine is the ever-present pressure to feed and fuel the whole family –nearly three quarters of moms (72 percent) feel getting their family to eat healthy snacks and meals is a real struggle.


The reasons behind that struggle? Family members being picky eaters and struggling to find something the whole family enjoys were cited as leading causes of difficulty when it comes to feeding the whole family. On top of that is the pressure to keep things healthy –  and eight in ten moms (83 percent) feel pressure to include fruit and vegetables in their family’s diet.


The same can be said for drinks, with nearly two thirds (64 percent) of moms struggling to find beverages for the family that they are confident are nutritious and healthy.


But resourceful moms do have several tricks up their sleeves – dipping fruits and veggies into tasty sauces and making smoothies using frozen produce and 100% fruit juice were common in more than 40 percent of households.


“The results of the survey highlight just how demanding the role of mom can be and the non-stop barrage of tasks it consists of,” said Casey Lewis, MS, RD and Health & Nutrition Lead at Welch's. “Busy moms may identify with the list of ‘lifesavers’, which highlights not just a rigorous workload but a constant requirement to feed and fuel the family, week in and week out.”


“Anything that can be done to make mom’s life a little bit easier can make all the difference, whether it’s a well-timed, healthy snack, a small glass of 100% fruit juice or simply the chance to grab a nap,” continued Lewis.


According to the results, mom clocks in at 6.23am on average – and she doesn’t stop doing career or parent-related tasks until 8.31pm on a typical day – a 14-hour shift that equates to a 98-hour work week.


It follows then that the average mom surveyed manages just one hour and seven minutes of time to herself each day, if she’s lucky.


No wonder having reliable grandparents around to help out is an absolute lifesaver for mom and makes the top 20 list, along with having a constant supply of healthy snacks and 100% fruit juice on hand, a stash of toys in the car for peaceful journeys and ‘wine, wine and more wine.’


“When it comes to making decisions around a family’s diet and overall nutrition the burden often lands with mom who, as the survey shows, has very little time to spare,” said Lewis. “The ability to offer a quick snack or beverage that she can be reassured is nutritious for the whole family is something that can’t be underestimated in making a difference to her day.”


An easy, convenient beverage option for busy moms on the go is Welch’s 100% Grape Juice. Not only is it delicious, it’s nutritious! Made with more than 20 Concord grapes, each 4-ounce glass of Welch’s 100% Grape Juice contains no added sugar, provides one serving (1/2 cup) of fruit and helps support a healthy heart. In fact, thanks to the Concord grape, Welch’s 100% Grape Juice has many of the same heart-health benefits as red wine. Another way to add the color, flavor and benefits of the Concord to your day is by including 100% grape juice in simple, family-friendly recipes including smoothies, sauces, salad dressings and more.



  1. Baby wipes/wet wipes
  2. Kids TV channels and shows
  3. iPad/tablet
  4. Drive thru meals
  5. Netflix - watching it during late night/early morning feeds, etc.
  6. Naps - for me and for everyone else
  7. Wearing pajamas all day on the weekends
  8. Yoga pants
  9. Regular supply of coffee
  10. The grandparents
  11. Always having a healthy snack or drink on hand for the family
  12. Tissues
  13. An effective angry voice
  14. A stash of homemade meals in the freezer
  15. A stash of toys in the car
  16. A reliable babysitter
  17. Having plenty of 100% fruit juice in the house for the family
  18. Wine and more wine
  19. A blender for smoothies - a meal in minutes!
  20. Friendly neighbors I trust with my kids



  1. Perfect hair, make up and nails
  2. Shopping for myself, and by myself
  3. Having hobbies
  4. Being able to take a sick day
  5. Socializing with your friend that is not part of a playgroup or playdate with your kids
  6. Pressing the snooze button and sleeping in
  7. Going to the bathroom with the door closed, or at least by myself
  8. Long showers
  9. Any alone time whatsoever
  10. Going on dates


***This random double-opt-in survey was conducted by OnePoll, a market research company and corporate member of ESOMAR and adheres to the MRS code of conduct. For more information about OnePoll’s research in the media, navigate to their portfolio here: This survey of 2000 US moms of children ages 5-12 was conducted between May 05, 2017, and May 11, 2017, by Market Researchers OnePoll and commissioned by Welch’s.