This Is How Americans Are 'Spring Cleaning' Themselves After A Tough Winter



Hair where it shouldn’t be? Paler than you’d like? If you’ve recently stared in the mirror and sighed at the reflection staring back, you’re not alone.

As winter makes its last stand new research reveals 60 percent of Americans are undertaking a personal ‘Spring Cleaning’ makeover in the coming days.

The study of 2,000 people found participants plan to spend an extra 20 minutes each day in the spring on their personal beauty routines than they do in the colder months.

The survey, conducted by market researchers, OnePoll, and commissioned by Groupon found colder weather prompts nearly two-thirds of Americans to take a break from worrying about their image.

And that might partly be down to less time and motivation- 51 percent say the shorter days leave them with less energy to focus on taking care of themselves.

People are also three times more likely to begin a new diet or fitness regime in spring than in any other season, according to results.

Buying new clothes, sporting a new haircut, making diet improvements, going to the gym and getting a pedicure were identified as the top ways people spruce themselves up in the spring.

The survey, conducted in recognition of Groupon’s spring beauty Out to Wow! collection––running until March 17––revealed that women are more likely to do a spring cleaning makeover than men, but men plan to spend 35 percent more than women ($198 vs. $146).

"It's not surprising to see that so many people want to get a fresh start on looking and feeling their best now that winter is coming to a close,” said Silvija Martincevic, vice president and general manager of health, beauty and wellness, Groupon. “‘Me time’ tends to take a back seat in cold weather, which is why we typically see big increases in people buying services such as massages, mani-pedis, facials, laser hair removal, haircare and other wellness- and beauty-related services during the first week of spring.”

Thirty percent of respondents did confess they put less effort into how they dress over the winter, and that might be why one in six say they’ve donned sweatpants with food stains at some point in recent months.

Netflix binges, deliberately avoiding social events and ordering delivery three days in a row or more were other acts many of us find ourselves doing during our winter hibernation.

Understandably, 55 percent of women admit they’re quite happy to shave their legs less regularly in the winter, while skincare routines, haircuts and other grooming rituals were are also less frequent.

In fact, more than half of the men and women polled said they've grown hair in places they normally wouldn’t allow this past winter.

And if you’ve added a few pounds, then you’re not alone – nearly two-thirds of Americans have put on a little weight over the winter, with the average gain estimated at eight pounds.

Twenty-nine percent of participants also reported being unhappy at seeing themselves in a mirror.

Americans are most likely to start their personal spring cleaning makeover between March 6 and April 5, according to the data.

And as many as four out of 10 report a notable spike in confidence due to the warmer weather.

Through its Out to Wow collection, Groupon is offering a number of ways for people to begin and save money on their spring revitalization. To view the entire Out to Wow! collection, please visit


1. New clothes
2. New haircut
3. Dieting/improvements to diet
4. Gym visits
5. Pedicure
6. New or improved skincare routine
7. Manicure
8. Laser hair removal/shaving/de-fuzzing
9. Tanning
10. Teeth whitening


1. Binge-watched more than three episodes of something in the same day/night
2. Not shaved for over a week
3. Been told 'you look tired' by someone else
4. Looked in the mirror and sighed/used a swear word because you didn't like what you saw
5. Grown hair in places you wouldn't normally allow it
6. Clicked 'yes' when Netflix asks you 'are you still watching'
7. Cancelled a social event to stay in and do nothing
8. Worn sweatpants with food stains on
9. Worn a hat lots to avoid doing your hair
10. Ordered delivery three days in a row

***This double-opt in survey was conducted online within the U.S. by OnePoll a market research company and corporate member of ESOMAR adhering to the MRS code of conduct. The survey was conducted on behalf of Groupon March 01-06, 2017, among 2,000 adults ages 18 and older. This online survey is not based on a probability sample, and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For more information about OnePoll’s research in the media and complete survey methodology, navigate to their portfolio here: