***EMBARGOED UNTIL 12 NOON, TUES FEB 7TH (12:00 GMT)*** Geckolepis megalepis scaleless. See National News story NNGECKO; Many lizards can drop their tails when grabbed, but a newly discovered gecko sheds its skin at the lightest touch. The new species, found on Madagascar, has massive scales which tear away leaving it looking like a raw chicken fillet. But this leaves them free to escape whilst the predator is left with a mouth full of scales. Scientists have named it, Geckolepis megalepis, and it has the largest scales of any gecko.




NEWS COPY - WITH PICTURES - by Stephen Beech


Many lizards can drop their tails when grabbed, but a newly discovered gecko sheds its skin at the lightest touch.


The new species, found on Madagascar, has massive scales which tear away leaving it looking like a raw chicken fillet.


But this leaves them free to escape whilst the predator is left with a mouth full of scales.


Scientists have named it, Geckolepis megalepis, and it has the largest scales of any gecko.


The skin of this fish-scale gecko is specially adapted to tearing, reveals new research.


The large scales are attached only by a relatively narrow region that tears with ease, and beneath them they have a pre-formed 'splitting zone' within the skin itself.


Together, the features make them especially good at escaping from predators.


Although several other geckos are able to lose their skin in a similar way if they are grasped really firmly, Geckolepis are apparently able to do it actively, and at the slightest touch.


And while others might take a long time to regenerate their scales, fish-scale geckos can grow them back, scar-free, in a matter of weeks.


The remarkable ability has made them a serious challenge to the scientists who want to study them.


Researchers described how it was necessary to catch them with bundles of cotton wool, to avoid them losing almost all of their skin.


Now they are trying to catch them without touching them if possible, by luring them into plastic bags.


But once they are caught, the challenges are not over; identifying and describing them is even harder.


Lead author Mark Scherz, a PhD student at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in Germany, said: "A study a few years ago showed that our understanding of the diversity of fish-scale geckos was totally inadequate.


"It showed us that there were actually about 13 highly distinct genetic lineages in this genus, and not just the three or four species we thought existed.


"One of the divergent lineages they identified was immediately obvious as a new species, because it had such massive scales.


"But to name it, we had to find additional reliable characteristics that distinguish it from the other species.


"You have to think a bit outside the box with Geckolepis. They're a nightmare to identify.


"So we turned to micro-CT to get at their skeletons and search there for identifying features."


Micro-CT  - micro-computed tomography - is essentially a 3D x-ray of an object. The method allows researchers to examine the skeletons of animals without having to dissect them.


By looking at the skeletons of the geckos, the researchers were able to identify some features of the skull that distinguish their new species from others.


But they also found some surprises; a species named 150 years ago, Geckolepis maculata, was confirmed to be different from the genetic lineage that it had been thought to be.


Mr Scherz said: "This is just typical of Geckolepis. You think you have them sorted out, but then you get a result that turns your hypothesis on its head.


"We still have no idea what Geckolepis maculata really is - we are just getting more and more certain what it's not."


The new species, Geckolepis megalepis, which was described in a paper published in the journal Peer J, is most remarkable because of its huge scales, which are by far the largest of any gecko.


The researchers believe the larger scales tear more easily than smaller scales, because of their greater surface area relative to the attachment area, and larger friction surface.


Mr Scherz added: "What's really remarkable though is that these scales - which are really dense and may even be bony, and must be quite energetically costly to produce - and the skin beneath them tear away with such ease, and can be regenerated quickly and without a scar."


He said the mechanism for regeneration, which is not well understood, could potentially have applications in human medicine.