More than a quarter of all primary school pupils have 'sexted,' according to new research



NEWS COPY - by Fiona Parker


More than a quarter of all primary school kids have sent rude or sexually explicit messages on apps such as Snapchat, according to shocking new research.


The same study found a further fifth have received rude or risky messages or even sexually explicit photographs.


But despite these alarming stats, two thirds of parents are not worried about what their children could be exposed to on their smart devices.


And almost a fifth of parents don't monitor what their children do online at all


The finds came from a survey of 2,000 parents commissioned by insurance firm


The data revealed girls were more likely to be caught sexting, with one in six sending rude messages, compared to just one in twenty boys.


The research also revealed that almost half of six to eleven-year-olds have been exposed to foul language online.


On average, parents said they planned to speak with their kids about online security when they were nine.


But the fresh findings suggest that one in six children had already been exposed to harmful materials by the time they reached that age.


When asked about what apps parents were most concerned about their child using, Facebook was listed as the most worrying with 42 per cent expressing concern.


Facebook was followed by Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook Messenger and Youtube as the most worrisome apps.


Meanwhile online platforms such as Xbox, Playstation and Minecraft were amongst the least concerning.


The survey also found that the average parent planned to speak with their child about sex at age ten.


Worryingly, seven per cent of parents admitted they aren't planning on speaking to them about sex at all, that number jumped to ten per cent when just asking dads.


An NSPCC spokesperson said: “Sexting can be dangerous for any young person no matter on what platform it takes place.


"Once an image is sent the user has no control over where it is shared.


"If a young person is worried about an image they have shared, they can talk to a Childline counsellor who will work with the Internet Watch Foundation to try and remove the image from the internet.


"The best thing parents can do is talk to their children about keeping safe online and what is appropriate to share with others, as well as reassuring their child that they can come to them if they are ever worried.


"The NSPCC has also created guidance for parents on sexting which can be found on our website.”