One in Five Americans Exaggerate Illness for Sympathy

***This random double-opt in survey was conducted by OnePoll, a market research company and corporate member of ESOMAR and adheres to the MRS code of conduct. For more information about OnePoll’s research in the media, navigate to their portfolio here:



When sick we all need a bit of TLC but some go to greater lengths than others - one in five Americans exaggerates their symptoms of a cold just to get sympathy, according to a recent poll.

From dramatic sick voices, elaborate hacking coughs or talking in feeble, suffering murmurs- the study of 2,000 Americans found many deliver added performances to get a bit more attention.

Men are more likely to exaggerate their symptoms to get sympathy, according to results with one in four doing this compared to less than a fifth of women.

Acting sleepy and pretending we’re struggling to move also made the top five ways Americans exaggerate a cold, according to respondents.

But sometimes we’re not totally confident in our acting ability and one in three of those studied has had their partner call in sick for them rather than face their boss.

The research, commissioned by Vicks VapoRub, revealed that Americans do experience an average of three colds a year and spend 25 days under the weather in some way.

The study also found that women are more likely to treat a cold immediately and, interestingly, women also prefer coping alone - they were nearly twice less likely to want people to keep them company when sick with just 10 percent wanting someone there versus 19 percent of men.

A fifth of those studied still turn to their moms to nurse them through and as many as six in ten respondents said Vicks VapoRub reminds them of their childhood.

Perhaps that's why forty-five percent of the 2,000 surveyed still turn to the same treatments and remedies they were given as a child.

A spokesperson for Vicks VapoRub said: “We all have our different methods of dealing with colds and how we go about handling it. It’s only natural to want a bit of sympathy, help and attention when feeling under the weather.

“What’s important is that we take time to acknowledge our symptoms and treat them accordingly. It’s interesting that so many people turn to the treatments they were given in childhood as a source of comfort and healing in adulthood.”

Indeed, the ability to smell while suffering a cold was the sense voted the best source of comfort, followed by having your sense of taste working normally.

Coughing was deemed the worst symptom to have to endure through a cold, followed by a runny nose and feeling phlegmy.

The Vicks VapoRub spokesperson added: “For more than 100 years, people have turned to Vicks VapoRub topical ointment to quickly relieve cough symptoms in adults and children ages two and up.”

The study also asked respondents how many times they deal with certain ailments in a 12-month period finding they experienced an average of six bouts of cramps, seven incidences of heartburn and ten occurrences of achy muscles, two ear aches, two toothaches and had bitten their own tongue three times in the last 12 months.

And watch your step, because statistically you’ll likely stub your toe twice a year and get two blisters - all alongside battling seven coughs and five sore throats.

Americans are more than twice as likely to cite Mondays as their worst day for feeling sick over any other day and noted the hours of 5am to 7am as the part of the day when they felt their symptoms the most.

Friday is the second most likely day a cold will strike, according to respondents, as the hustle and bustle of the working week takes its toll.

In a typical year, the average respondent suffered:
7 x coughs
5 x sore throats
6 x cramps
7 x heartburn
10 x sore muscles
2 x ear ache
3 x tooth ache or gum pain
2 x lost voice

1. Take a nap
2. Watch TV/movies
3. Use Vicks VapoRub
4. Browse the internet
5. Fresh air/ go for a walk

1. Played a sick voice
2. Speak quietly and sadly as if suffering
3. Cough louder and harder than I need to
4. Acted sleepy
5. Pretend I’m struggling to move

***This survey of 2000 US adults was conducted between November 29, 2016 and December 07, 2016 by Market Researchers OnePoll and commissioned by Vicks.