Millions of young Americans planning a TRUMP JUMP or HILLARY HOP - getting abroad to escape politics.




Millions of millennials are planning to ‘Trump Jump’ or ‘Hillary Hop’ - traveling overseas in a bid to get a break from the politics, new research reveals.


Four in ten young Americans are planning a 'Trump Jump' if the Donald gets elected, while three in ten plan to ‘Hillary Hop’ is Clinton becomes the next President of the United States.


A study into the travel plans and experiences of 2,000 American millennials, as a result of the 2016 political climate, by youth adventure tour operator Geckos Adventures found 50 percent of under 30's have re-ignited plans to travel overseas after feeling disengaged with the current political climate.


Thirty-two percent said they've brought forward plans to take a gap year or travel abroad, while one in three have become so dismayed with the political options on either side they are even looking into moving abroad permanently.

““This election process has been quite exhausting for a lot of Americans, and especially millennials who are inundated everyday with news on social media. I think the idea of taking a break from it all is something we can all relate to,” said Leigh Barnes, regional director for Geckos Adventures.

Most people (61 percent) are worried about the upcoming Presidential election, while only one in ten expresses their excitement and optimism.


Over eight in ten are utterly dismayed or frustrated with their choices for this year's presidential elections.


Which is why the majority (63 percent) feel Americans are now more open to living abroad/going to other countries at the moment because they don’t like their current Presidential options.


The results highlight 31 percent are so fed up with politics in America it’s leading them to travel or at least consider traveling overseas - with Canada being the most sought out location to escape all of the politics.


Other reasons to finally make travel plans happen were feeling trapped in a job, not feeling very cultured or experienced and simply trying to be more spontaneous.


And men are more likely to describe themselves as well-travelled than women, with the average man traveling to at least one more country and state than the average woman does.


In fact, to officially be considered ‘well-traveled’ you only need to have ticked off 15 states, visited seven different countries and 11 world-renown landmarks – more than half (56 percent) have a passport.


Most millennials believe they can learn much more from traveling around the world than they can in a college classroom.


Only 14 percent say they can learn more from sitting in a college classroom for a year than they can from traveling around the world for a year.


Cultural appreciation and how different societies function are the two things young Americans hope to learn the most from traveling.


“It’s really cool to see young people getting excited about travelling the world and learning about other cultures. They are the future leaders of this world and travelling the world while your young offers such important perspectives,” he added.