​ Modern day parents would flunk elementary school​

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Homework Really is Too Hard


Failing to name American presidents, spot prime numbers or tackle basic math - millions of American parents are flunking basic elementary school knowledge, according to a new study.

That awkward moment when you find your child's homework too difficult is an embarrassing nightmare experienced by six in ten parents who regularly struggle to help their elementary or school child.

More than one in ten feel so useless that they avoid helping their children at all, while one in five are riddled with embarrassment that they have no answers they can give.

Algebra, calculus, and geometry are some of the most common homework topics parents struggle with when it comes to helping their child.

31 percent thought dinosaurs and humans co-existed, seventy-four percent couldn’t identify a prime number, and 55 percent couldn’t correctly solve a math problem involving just two coins.

Reference series, Dummies, polled 2,000 American adults and discovered 44 percent have completely forgotten ‘everything’ they learned at school about algebra.

One in seven say they can’t remember anything they were taught about U.S. history and the government.

“We were very eager to see the results of the survey and how the respondents said they felt about some basic math problems, history, and other homework-related questions,” said David Palmer, Marketing Director at Wiley.

“As parents, we have a lot on our plate and could certainly use a resource to help make everything a bit easier. With schools starting around the country, and homework, too, we hope that the various dummies resources online and in print can help fill that need.”

Seven in ten (69 percent) didn’t know the answer to very basic maths equations. While three-quarters of Americans were clueless about the order of operations when it comes to math formulas.

When shown a list of past U.S. Presidents, only 37 percent accurately noted that Benjamin Franklin was never a U.S. President.

Six in 10 (63 percent) failed to identify the adverb in a sentence.

If you ask Americans which is heavier - a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers, one in five incorrectly answers bricks.

The survey also reveals most Americans will fake it until they make it. More than half (58 percent) have pretended to know the definition of a word because they were too embarrassed to ask for the definition.

However, an embarrassed, 61 percent have no trouble admitting that they’re wrong.
More than a quarter of the people surveyed say they search for an answer or information about something they’re not familiar with multiple times a day.

Most people (70 percent) simply search online for an answer when they don’t know something.

Millennials are the thirstiest to learn as the results show they’re 14 percent more likely to search the web for answers.

Foreign Language
U.S. History and Government

Question 1: The sum of two coins is 30 cents. What are the two coins?
Two pennies (0.55%)
Two nickels (0.70%)
Two dimes (2.80%)
Two quarters (0.60%)
A penny + a nickel (0.75%)
A penny + a dime (0.30%)
A penny + a quarter (0.80%)
A nickel + a dime (0.55%)
A nickel + a quarter (45.00%)
A dime + a quarter (2.50%)
None of the above / I'm not sure (45.45%)
Correct Answer: A nickel + a quarter (45.00%)

Question 2: Which of the following is NOT a prime number?
2 (9.95%)
31 (8.45%)
42 (25.75%)
83 (3.60%)
131 (3.45%)
All of the above (7.55%)
None of the above (5.60%)
I don't know (35.65%)
Correct Answer: 42 (26%)

Question 3: Solve the following equation (Here, / means ‘divided by’):
6 / 2 ( 1 +2 ) =
1 (12.45%)
2 (0.40%)
3 (12.70%)
4 (0.75%)
5 (1.25%)
6 (27.15%)
7 (1.90%)
8 (0.40%)
9 (30.80%)
None of the above / I don't know (12.20%)
Correct Answer: 9 (31%)

Question 4: What is the order of operations?
P.E.M.D.A.S (23.50%)
A2 + B2 = C2 (6.25%)
Length x Width x Height (15.25%)
All of the above (17.35%)
None of the above / I don't know (37.65%)
Correct Answer: P.E.M.D.A.S (24%)

Question 5: What is the adverb in the following sentence?
The President waited until the entire crowd grew completely quiet.
The (0.95%)
President (2.50%)
Waited    (17.10%)
Until (5.60%)
The (0.40%)
Entire (5.25%)
Crowd (2.35%)
Grew (8.05%)
Completely (37.15%)
Quiet (6.75%)
I don't know (13.90%)
Correct Answer: Completely (37%)

Question 6: Which of the following men was never president?
Warren G. Harding (3.45%)
Calvin Coolidge (2.00%)
Millard Fillmore (10.60%)
Zachary Taylor (7.55%)
Barack Obama (0.65%)
John Tyler (8.50%)
Benjamin Franklin (36.70%)
Rutherford B. Hayes (2.70%)
Andrew Jackson (0.80%)
James K. Polk (2.90%)
None of the above (8.30%)
All of the above (2.50%)
I don't know (13.35%)
Correct Answer: Benjamin Franklin (37%)

Question 7: Which is heavier: a ton of bricks, or a ton of feathers?
A ton of bricks (26.25%)
A ton of feathers (2.55%)
Both weigh the same (68.55%)
I don’t know (2.65%)
Correct Answer: Both weigh the same (69%)