​ Americans don't mean it when they say thanks - gratitude habits explained​​​

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The next time someone thanks you, they might not actually mean it, according to a new survey.


New research reveals we say thank you 2,000 times a year on average but more than half of the time we don't actually mean it.


It’s one of the most commonly used phrases but more than half the time that the majority of Americans say the words ‘thank you,’ they are uttered ‘out of habit.’.


And so, with the average person saying thank you five times a day, up to three of those occasions may not be meant with sincerity.


Merci Chocolates polled 2,000 Americans to better understand what ‘thank you’ really means and the ways in which we show gratitude in our fast-moving modern lives.


Results showed that time-scales are a big factor - in fact, a busy 40 percent of those questioned said they often don’t show any gratitude at all for things they know they are actually thankful for.


Nearly a third say they often simply forget to say thank you, while 30 percent said their minds are often on other things so they don’t say thank you at times when they probably should.


Interestingly, the results showed that the older we get, the more likely we are to mean what we say – those under 25 years old were nearly twice as likely to be insincere in their thanks versus someone aged over 55.


A spokesperson for merci Chocolates said: “We move so fast today and sometimes we’re on autopilot, saying things out of habit without properly conveying our gratitude.


“Sometimes that can leave those around us feeling underappreciated or thinking we’re insincere.


“Saying or showing gratitude is a simple gesture that, when delivered properly, can have a big impact and truly brighten someone’s day. The art of a meaningful thank you shouldn’t be lost.”


The survey found that nearly half (49 percent) believe saying ‘thanks’ or ‘thank you’ has lost its true meaning.


And sadly eight in ten people reported that they’ve gone out of their way to help someone and felt they weren’t properly thanked or appreciated in return.


Furthermore, sometimes showing thanks is more meaningful that saying it  – over a fifth have had an instance where a simple ‘thank you’ wasn’t deemed a good enough gesture of appreciation in their eyes.


Results showed that when it comes to showing our gratitude properly, adding a personal touch makes all the difference, with face-to-face reported as the overwhelmingly best way to say thank you. If that’s not possible, a phone call, thank you text, or a small token of appreciation are other ways people express their gratitude.


Surprisingly, about a third of Americans have never given someone flowers, chocolates or a typed thank you letter. Nearly one in four also said they have never sent a thank you text, email or card.


When it came to think about who in their lives was the most under-appreciated, Americans were most likely to say their garbage collector, followed by their mom and teachers.


“If there’s one thing that’s clear, it’s that genuine gratitude can go a long way,” says Kevin Carro, Associate Marketing Manager at Storck USA. “At merci, we are on a mission to spread the heartfelt thank you and encourage everyday expressions of gratitude through a small gift that means much more.”