Pupils praised for saving life of drowning teacher - names Mr Fish

Re-send for better quality - Teacher Iain Fish with pupils Dylan Halls (left) and Matt Thatcher. See SWNS story SWFISH; Pupils on a kayaking trip have been hailed heroes for saving the life of a drowning teacher - called MR FISH. Quick-thinking youngsters Dylan Halls and Matt Thatcher were praised for coming to the aid of stricken Iain Fish. The aptly named outdoor education teacher could not find his way to the surface after fainting into the Helford River in Cornwall when he badly cut himself on debris. His kayak capsized and he fell unconscious into the river - but fortunately for him the two youngsters sprung into action.



Pupils on a kayaking trip have been hailed heroes for saving the life of a drowning teacher - called MR FISH.

Quick-thinking youngsters Dylan Halls and Matt Thatcher were praised for coming to the aid of stricken Iain Fish.

The aptly named outdoor education teacher could not find his way to the surface after fainting into the Helford River in Cornwall when he badly cut himself on debris.

His kayak capsized and he fell unconscious into the river - but fortunately for him the two youngsters sprung into action.

Dylan jumped straight in and kept Mr Fish's head above water until he came around, while Matt assisted and recovered the kayak.

Sara Davey, the principal of Mounts Bay Academy in Penzance, Cornwall, described the boys as 'superheroes' and said their swift action avoided a disaster.

Writing in the school newsletter, she said: "I would like to make a special mention of two superheroes who acted quickly and decisively in an emergency on Monday of this week.

"They were kayaking in the shallows of the Helford River when their teacher encountered a piece of debris."

She said Mr Fish attempting to clear the obstruction but badly cut his hand.

"It caused Mr Fish to momentarily faint, capsize, and nearly drown," she said.

"Dylan jumped into the water and managed to raise Mr Fish's head above the water until he regained consciousness, while Matt quickly rescued the paddle and righted the kayak.

"Their no-nonsense and adult response to the situation meant that disaster was averted and we now have two official lifesavers who are clearly young men who can be depended on in a crisis.

"I have taken the opportunity to thank them on behalf of the academy and we are all incredibly proud of their bravery. Well done Dylan and Matt."