Kind-Hearted teen sets up online fund to feed homeless

Hamish Anderson 13 give sandwiches to Paul Abbasi (middle) and Ginna Shandur (left). Anderson has been spending his pocket money buying sandwiches for homeless people in Bristol. See SWNS story SWSARNIE: A 13-year-old boy has been praised for his generosity after he started using his pocket money to buy sandwiches on his way to school - for two homeless men. Kind Hamish Anderson passes rough sleepers Stuart and Philip every day on his cycle route to school and struck up a conversation with them two weeks ago. The thoughtful teenager discovered they never ate breakfast - so started a daily routine of buying them bacon and sausage sandwiches on his morning commute. And after he ran out of pocket money last week, he held a charity head shave to raise cash to keep his fund going.



A kind-hearted teenager who spends his pocket money on feeding the homeless is seeking funding to open up a soup kitchen - to help feed even more.

Hamish Anderson outside Princes Pantry in Bristol. See SWNS story SWSOUP; A selfless teenager who spends his pocket money on sandwiches for the homeless has set up a fundraising page to help feed more people. Every morning 13-year-old Hamish Anderson pauses on his bike ride to school to buy one bacon and one sausage sandwich for two homeless men he has befriended. Since his heart-warming story was featured in the news earlier this month, the schoolboy has been inundated with donations from readers touched by his generosity. Now the teen from Windmill Hill has set up a GoFundMe page with the aim of buying sandwiches for more rough sleepers, and has so far collected almost £400 towards his campaign.
Hamish Anderson with homeless man Philip. See SWNS story SWSOUP; A selfless teenager who spends his pocket money on sandwiches for the homeless has set up a fundraising page to help feed more people. Every morning 13-year-old Hamish Anderson pauses on his bike ride to school to buy one bacon and one sausage sandwich for two homeless men he has befriended. Since his heart-warming story was featured in the news earlier this month, the schoolboy has been inundated with donations from readers touched by his generosity. Now the teen from Windmill Hill has set up a GoFundMe page with the aim of buying sandwiches for more rough sleepers, and has so far collected almost £400 towards his campaign.

, 13, started feeding two homeless men whom he rides passed on his way to school every morning by buying them each a £1.50 bacon and sausage sandwich.

Now the selfless schoolboy from Bristol has set up his own GoFundMe page with the aim of feeding the city’s rough sleepers.

The teenager said: "It is going really well, but there is still a way to go before we reach the target of £750.

"Hopefully we want to set up a soup-kitchen-style stand near Princes Street Bridge or sort out some kind of sandwich delivery round to help more homeless people."

Hamish’s sandwiches routine started last month after befriending two homeless men – Philip and Stuart – who he would see on his journey to school each morning.

He said: "I started because I kept walking past these two men and one day I asked one of them what they had eaten for breakfast and he said that he didn't really eat breakfast and that made me sad.

"One of the men, Philip, has a dog, and sometimes I buy an extra sandwich for him because I don't think the dog can get very much food."

Stuart, who’s been homeless for more than 35 years, claims the schoolboy is doing more to help than anyone else in the city.

“This lad is this kindest person I know,” he said.

"I am invisible to most people who walk past, but his kindness warms my heart. If there were more people like him then there wouldn't be any homelessness."

But despite his admirable selflessness, Hamish remains humble about his actions.

He said: "I didn't think it would get this big, but I am happy to help. It makes me happy to know that I am doing something, but sad because so many people are homeless.

"But I do want to say a big thank you to everyone who has donated so far, I couldn't do this without them."

Brimming with pride, Hamish’s dad, James, said he proud of his son’s generosity.

He added: "Me and his mum are very proud of him, of course. It is wonderful. Most people wouldn't stop to help, but Hamish does.

The cafe where Hamish buys in bacon sarnies have given him a discount, giving him each sandwhich for £1.50 rather than £2.50 each.

For more information about Hamish's Homeless Fund, visit his GoFundMe page: