Average American most health conscious n their 40's, new research shows



If you don’t care about your health by the age of 50 you never will, according to a new study.

A survey of 2,000 Americans by nowfoods.com reveals that worries about our personal health rises throughout our 40s, but drops off dramatically after the mid-life landmark.

An overwhelming 83 percent of US adults admit they are concerned about their health, with 60 percent suffering physical pain, 50 percent feeling “out of shape” and 55 percent having fears about aging.

Over a third say they live a sedentary lifestyle, with one in five respondents claiming they NEVER exercise. Lack of motivation and time were the top reasons given for not working out.

Nearly 40 percent say they neglect their physical well-being, with the GI tract, lungs and heart being the most neglected areas.

If they could go back in time and do things differently, Americans would get more sleep (48 percent) not eat so much (30 percent) or drink so much (17 percent).

The average person tries two diets each year, but over a quarter give up within seven days, and 23 percent only maintain it for between eight and 21 days.

A staggering 96 percent have a “hard time” turning their back on their favorite food and snacks.


The most common diet pursued is low calorie, followed by low carb/ no carb, low fat and no sugar

One in ten partners even go so far as hiding unhealthy food items from their significant dieting other.

Dr Wendy Bazilian, a wellness consultant for NOW, which makes a variety of probiotics that may help support gastro-intestinal health and a stronger immune system, said: “Sure, everyone gets tempted by tasty treats now and again and we all experience days where it can be challenging to get that workout in. While we can’t control time moving forward, we can make some small choices that help protect and promote our good health and slow some of the biological effects of aging on our bodies.”

“We don’t have to do a 180 and completely change our diets overnight, but doing a little every day is a great starting point to living a better life now. It’s not just about not putting unhealthy things into your body, but it’s also about giving your body what it needs to optimally function on a daily basis.”

“Supplementing a nutritious and balanced diet with probiotics from foods and a quality supplement and taking small steps to take charge of our health are good strategies.”

According to the nowfoods.com poll, one in five Americans regularly takes a probiotic.