Millions of dog-owners are spending a small fortune on lavishing ‘guilt’ treats on them – to compensate for the time they leave them on their own.


A survey of 2,000 owners revealed that two-thirds of them have to leave their dogs home alone for long periods of time, and 80 per cent of those feel guilty as a result.


And the poll by DogVacay ( – a leading pet-sitting service – revealed that many make up for their absence by serving up culinary delights like steak dinners for their pets.


One doting woman admitted she regularly makes it up to her high-stepping poodle by providing his favorite feast – grilled chicken with kale and quinoa, no less.


Another cooks salmon with hollandaise sauce, French beans and broccoli for her Tibetan terrier.


The average American pooch spending 2,080 hours a year on its lonesome and 60 percent of owners worry it may have negative long-term effects.


Aaron Hirschhorn, Founder, CEO and "Top Dog" of DogVacay, which has more than 25,000 sitters throughout the US and Canada, said: “As the work days get longer and longer, Americans sadly have to spend more time away from their beloved pups. The average dog is alone over 2,000 hours a year.


“Since 2012, DogVacay has grown to 25,000 hosts across the U.S. and Canada and have booked millions of overnights.”


One in five owners fears their pet will injure itself while left alone and even when they are reunited, 15 per cent struggle to find time to properly exercise it.


Of the 63 per cent of owners who raised or are raising their dog from a puppy, a third underestimated the amount of work it would require. Nearly a quarter felt they were forced to leave their pet alone too often when still a puppy.


Seven out of ten agreed that they would like to reduce the amount of time their dog spent on its own.


“At DogVacay, we want to make life better for pets and better for people.


“We offer pet sitting – whether it’s overnight or just for the day – so that pet owners can have peace of mind and pets can get the love and attention they need.”